Join the Cooley~Keegan Branch of CCÉ
Comhaltas (CCÉ) is a worldwide organization, based in Dublin, Ireland, dedicated to preserving and fostering the traditions of Ireland, through music, song, dance, storytelling & language. Founded in Mullingar, Co. Westmeath in 1951, CCÉ has over 400 branches and 36,000 members throughout the World. Information on CCÉ and its events are available on our new website at
The San Francisco Cooley-Keegan Branch proudly promotes these traditions of Irish Culture in the S.F. Bay Area.
Included in the many Benefits of CCÉ SF Cooley-Keegan Membership:
- Subscription three times a year to our “Scéal Eile” newsletter containing events and news of our branch, of Comhaltas in Ireland and Irish activities in the Bay Area. “Scéal Eile” gives notification of our Céilís, Music and Song Seisiúns, Children’s Céilís and Music and Language classes.
- “Treoir”, the Comhaltas Magazine containing a wealth of information on traditional Irish programs & activities of CCÉ world-wide, stories of its members & branches and tunes, songs and their history, for readers of all ages.
- Check our website: and a chance to involve yourself in the growing movement to preserve and promote Irish traditional Music, Song, Dance, Storytelling and Language.
Your support through Membership is greatly appreciated and urgently needed to accomplish these goals. Comhaltas is a volunteer organization. Please complete the form below and mail it to us with your check in order to join or renew your membership TODAY, for the coming year. Keep the Tradition Alive!
You can also give the gift of Irish Culture: Gift Memberships to CCE!.
Go raibh mile maith agat. (Thank you)
You may join the Cooley/Keegan branch in two simple ways:
- Download, complete and mail in the PDF Membership Form.
- Or complete the membership form below and use Pay-Pal to submit a secure online payment. (two steps)